Baby stuff! Stuff that is constantly changing, revolving… let’s not forget, all the choices! Oh, the choices! Where do you even begin?! I’ll never forget the stress over selecting the perfect items fit for Henry (our first born) and us. Endless options and so many opinions. I had no idea what was needed, what was necessary and what to splurge vs. save on. I know most of my mommy friends went through this exact “struggle”. I actually cried in the middle of Buy Buy Baby while we were registering. I was so overwhelmed and if you ask someone who works there, you need it all.
This time around was so much easier and stress free thanks to Gugu Guru – they did the work for me! Gugu Guru is a website dedicated to personalized baby registry and product recommendations. All based on a questionnaire about your lifestyle, parenting style and personal style! Sign me up! During my registering with Gugu Guru I discovered so many unique items that I probably would have never found on my own! This site is not only great for new moms, but even experienced moms. Let’s be real… I had my son 3 years ago and I can’t believe how much has changed in the baby product land!
One of the best parts of pregnancy is the nesting phase. There’s nothing better than setting out, washing/ folding and imagining your baby in the items that you received from your baby shower. Although, Olive arrived 2 weeks early, I was able to nest with many of these items off my registry. It was so much fun to pack her diaper bag (thanks for the stylish recommendation, Gugu Guru), charge the Owlet Baby Care Monitor, put her super-cute diapers in the dresser – the list goes on!
I love Gugu Guru and my experience with their registry website and cannot recommend their help enough!
Enjoy my post, loves! Xo!
Sweet n Swag | An adorable line dedicated to fashion and function. Sweet n Swag makes shoes that stay on babies feet… in addition to that, they make the best baby bows, paci clips and bow ties/ suspender sets. I cannot thank Gugu Guru enough for introducing me to this line through my baby registry process. It was one of the first items that popped up during my registry and it couldn’t have been a better match for my style. I mean, how cute are these accessories?! I love the idea of a traditional baby bow, but using a leather fabric to give it a modern twist.
Skip Hop Baby Bag | With my first baby, I made sure I had the hottest baby bag on the market – little did I know, that my overpriced bag would provide little to zero functionality. This time around, it was all about function and how quickly I could access a paci at the bottom of the bag… but, of course, I still wanted it to be chic. Gugu Guru introduced me to the Skip Hop bag line (I thought they only made activity mats and bath products)… I immediately fell in love with the Chelsea Bag, which looks nothing like a diaper bag (in my opinion). I loved the champagne color and how this bag can be worn over the shoulder or at the arm. So many great compartments – you can definitely tell that this was designed by one experience mama!
Milestone Baby Cards | Love these photo cards and where were these during the first year of my sons life?! I think every mama documents the month birthday of their baby… by adding one of these graphic cards to your baby’s monthly picture you’ll never forget the milestones of his or her first year of life. Plus, how cute are they? I love the whimsical graphics! Not only do they capture the 1st through 12th month birthday, but these cards also include when your little one slept through the night, rolled over or said mama for the first time!
The Ollie World | The mission behind the Ollie Swaddle is pretty touching, as a social worker basically saved an innocent child’s life (with this swaddle that she designed) who was being labeled as “failure to thrive”. Co-designed with a pediatric neurodevelopment psychologist – the Ollie Swaddle came to life. The therapeutic benefints are endless: eases the transition from the womb, decreases irritability while promoting self-soothing, encourages calling to increase bonding, enhances quality of sleep to improve rest and cycle regulation, decreases the risk of hip dysplasia, reduces moro reflux, helps maintain supine position, reduces SIDS, preterm infants show improved neuromuscular development, less physiological distress, better motor organization and more self-regulation abilities. This swaddle moves with the baby through the night and keeps a comforting pressure from his/ her shoulders to feet. I’m so glad that my registry through Gugu Guru connected me with The Ollie Swaddle.
Bitta Kidda | Another item that I wish was around when I had my son! This was one of the fist matches that appeared on my registry with Gugu Guru. This innovative sleep sack has a BUILT-IN LOVEY! Do you remember those sleepless nights when you were in and out of the nursery hunting for your child’s lovey? I love how this thoughtfully designed sleep sack has a built-in lovey that can’t cover your baby’s face or lost (or tossed) in the crib. The lovey is small and attached to the sleep sack, so it can’t harm your child or slip over your child’s face in the middle of the night. There’s a diagonal zipper, which makes zipping up and down easy for diaper changes and keeps the baby comfortable.
DockATot | One of the most used baby items! The DockATot is a multifunctional (and safe!) baby rest, lounge, play and cuddle bed. Since giving birth to Olive she’s slept in the DockATot between my husband and me. It makes 2am feedings, diaper changes and replacing the paci super easy… and allows mommy and daddy a little more rest. This has been her bed since day one and she loves it. In fact, she gave us 6-1/2 hours of uninterrupted sleep the other night (she’s 3 weeks old!). I love how portable and lightweight it is. I think we’ll ditch the pack-n-play when we go on vacation for the DockATot!
Lorena Canals | Absolutely love this item… not only is it adorable in any home setting, it’s completely 100% something that every baby and child will use (well, every mama will use and LOVE!). Washable rugs! How genius is this?! I think back to the baby days with my son and how many times I spent stressing over laying blankets and burp clothes on top of rugs… now, I can put Olive directly on the rug and when she spits up, I just throw the rug in the wash. I have the angel rug (adorable!), but I’m ‘eyeing’ this pom-pom basket (a mama cannot have too many baskets, right!?).
Boobie Bar | I breastfed my son and let me tell you, it was a challenge. I ate my weight in homemade lactation cookies, popped brewers yeast pills, did acupuncture, drank teas. I tried everything to increase my milk supply, but it was a constant struggle. Very excited that Boobie Bars have been created and packed with nutritious ingredients that will help boost your milk supply. Good news – with one of these bars, you’ll never have to remember taking the 15 pills, drinking endless cups of tea, sprinkling flaxseed (yuck!) on your food… all of those ingredients can be found in one Boobie Bar. Plus, they taste good!
Owlet Care | I’m so thankful that Gugu Guru introduced me to this item… an item that has put a lot of my worry at ease. It’s a smart sock that fits on the tiny foot of your baby. It’s designed to notify you if your baby’s oxygen levels or heart rate falls out of a present range. Such a peace of mind when we put our precious girl to bed (and nap!). The Owlet smart sock uses technology called pulse-oximetry to monitor your baby during bedtime. There’s a base station that collects data from the smart sock via bluetooth located at your nightstand. I love having the app on my phone that also monitors the heart rate and oxygen levels.
Binxy Baby | I’m so excited to use this shopping cart hammock, which I know will make grocery shopping so much easier. I’ll never forget the trips to Target and trying to wedge my shopping items in-between the carseat and the cart. This will make life at Target (every mother’s favorite place) a much more enjoyable experience.
Parasol | Another item that Gugu Guru brought to my attention. At first when they suggest this diaper I was more attracted to the patterns than why they do. The Parasol diapers are designed so your baby sleeps better! Ultra-soft top sheet, combined with a thinner design means your baby will feel at ease and comfort. Hypoallergenic, latex free, chlorine free, inks that are used are without lead or heavy metals, fragrance-free and free of lotions. Plus, how cute are they!?
Gorgeous!!! Congrats!