Dear Baby,
Where to begin… it almost doesn’t feel real. Still. This situation. You, Daddy and me. I’m almost having a hard time believing all of this. After all the time to get to where we are today. After all the tears in our marriage, the testing of our faith, our trust and our beliefs… and here you are. Growing inside of me. Our babe. As of late, each day I wait for this joy to be taken away from us. I have a cramp in my side and fear the unimaginable. Then realize it’s just you, growing. With each hour, you’ve proven to be as healthy as we prayed for. You’ve proven to us that you are what our heart desires. You’ve proven to us that this fear of ours should no longer exist. You are our little babe and we cannot wait for the journey you are about to give us. The greatest gift of all. Thank you, sweet angel for being you… for being strong… for sticking with us. We promise to fulfill our parent duties and give you a life filled with love.
Now, let’s do this little fella (or) Miss!!!
With lots of love and affection,
Your Mommy
ps ~ I’m sort of obsessed with you…
Size of the babe: A prune! We’re getting bigger! 🙂
Weight gain: Here goes the gain… and I’m proud of it, means the babe is getting some muscles. 1.2 pounds up!
Maternity clothes: I really should invest in this thing called a belly band, because my pants are creating havoc on this ole muffin top.
Gender: eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk…. less than 2 months until we find out!!!
Nursery: Our crib arrived — ASSEMBLED! Talk about shock! Hello, there’s going to be a little babe in there. Thankful for the wonderful friends who are letting us borrow their “real-estate; Melrose has offered up one of their spare bedrooms as baby Thorne’s nursery mockup (since we’re living in 480sf currently). So, the crib is snug as a bug at the Lunsford’s.
Movement: No movement, but I can’t wait to feel this sweet babe.
Sleep: Sleeping really well… I have yet to take a nap (with the exception of the 1st day that I found out that I was pregnant). Work is super busy and I’m really having to teach myself how to slow down… because here and there I will get hit with a tired spell.
What I miss: Humm… honestly, right now, I miss the slower season. I’ll never take my clients, brides or busyness for granted, but I’d really love a slow week or couple of days. Where I can just relax or “call in sick” with a good book and decaf coffee on the sofa. I’m a little tired and just really wish I had a nap in the schedule once in awhile.
Best moment this week: We signed the contract and all the papers on our home. It’s official. We not only own land, but we own a home that is in the works… hurt our savings account, but we are so excited about what’s in the works and bringing our baby home to a place we’ve dreamt of. 🙂
Looking forward to: Counting down the days until my next appointment (May 20th – week 12) with my regular OBGYN. I haven’t seen him in over a year because we’ve been at REACH. I never understood how exciting it is to see your baby on the screen and hear it’s heartbeat… I can’t stop thinking of how much he/ she has grown over the past few weeks. Such a miracle.
Cravings: Toast! Pizza! Hummus! Olives! Fruit! AND anything mediterranean. Oh, and froyo with sprinkles. Real healthy… 😉 I’ll splurge here and there, but for the most part I try to eat somewhat healthy.
Symptoms: Thanks to Carmen – she gave Sea Bands and they’ve helped tremendously. If I feel a wave of nausea I’ll put these on and it’s immediately cured. Thanks Carmen! Other than that, it really hasn’t been bad and when I talk about nausea, it’s not like it keeps me from doing my job… it’s barely there. A little tired, tinkling in the mornings… I really feel lucky.
Workouts: Babe ran it’s first race last Friday night… yes = night! Nights are when I’m the most tired and the race wasn’t until 8:30pm, so I felt pretty proud. We also did a 4 mile run that morning… you’re probably thinking that I’m crazy, but running does something (always has) for me mentally. It’s the only time I can turn my phone on “airplane mode”, listen to whatever terrible music I desire and embrace the outdoors. Anyways, I finished the 5k in 30 minutes. Johnny finished in 24 minutes!
Still running 4-6 miles a day — about 5 days a week and I also did Group Power 3x.
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