*read our journey here + how it happened here*
Dear Baby,
We’re still overjoyed with excitement and love… we can’t believe you’re finally ours. I can’t believe I have you growing in my belly. Everything became a little more real this week. Yesterday, Daddy and I closed on our condo. We sold the first place we ever called home together… we did this so we can finally build a home for our little family of three. A home that we hope to be in forever. A home that you can come home to when your away at college. A home that we hope you can bring your future kiddos to. Our little home sweet home.
This week you’ve grown into a “blueberry”. Your jaws, cheeks and chin are in development – we think you’ll be pretty cute!! We’re praying that your kidneys, liver and lungs are forming into healthy little organs. We love you already… so much. Your mommy (me!) is feeling pretty good. With every pregnancy symptom I experience I jump for joy… it just confirms that you are continuing to grow into our dreams… our baby. I think about you every second of the day, sweet baby.
I love you with all of my heart and so does your daddy.
Love you little babe,
Weight Gain: My current weight is 124 lbs (still the same). Some days it’s 121lbs, some days it sneaks up to 126lbs, but most days it’s between 123lbs and 124lbs. I’m what they call a yoyo!
Maternity Clothes: Too soon for this one, although I’m feeling my midsection getting a little more pudgy. That could be the lack of abdominal workouts. I’m definitely going to purchase a few new bras in my near future.
Gender: I’m pretty sure we’re convinced that we do want to find out… totally going against everything we ever said. We looked at it as the only surprise left in life (finding out at birth), but I’m too anxious and I’m looking at it as the half way point (in pregnancy) surprise.
Nursery: I’m thinking creams, neutrals, whites, golds, silvers… the one thing I know I want is a wrought iron crib. 🙂 I’m going to purchase this beautiful gold side table from Target for next to the babe’s rocker.
Movement: Can’t wait to feel the babe!
Sleep: Actually, I’ve been sleeping like a champ these days. Now that our mattress is back on a bed frame in the apartment. I’ve been having some wild dreams and been up between 3am and 5am to tinkle.
What I miss: Nothing! 🙂
Best moment this week: Feeling a smidge of nausea on Saturday morning before my wedding. I know that sounds crazy, but with every little symptom — confirms that I am in fact pregnant. I’m sure I’ll regret liking these feelings in about a week or two, but for now I’m so grateful! The other best moment was on Wednesday… I had a photoshoot uptown, then went into Petal and purchased a maxi dress (that has room to grow) and met Mel for lunch uptown. We sat outside… it was a nice change in my daily routine. We talked about babies, showers, nurseries… it’s just fun to be the one that can finally talk and experience all of this bliss.
Looking forward to: Thursday!!! Seeing the our little babe (or babes) on the ultrasound screen and hearing the heartbeat. I can’t wait to see Johnny’s reaction.
Cravings: Nothing yet… although on Thursday I slammed some pizza and breadsticks and on Wednesday evening at 9pm I made Johnny go with me to get froyo!
Symptoms: My sore (and big!) tata’s. A few times this week I’ve been up in the wee mornings to tinkle. A little tired here and there, but nothing like last week.
Workouts: Still going strong… everything I read says how good exercise is. I’m still running 4-6 miles about 4-5 times per week. I just run a lot slower (trot) and walk a lot more. I definitely STOP right when I feel like I can’t carry a conversation anymore. I also monitor my heart rate. Last week I also did Group Power 3x, but I’ve lowered my weight quite a bit. I also, make sure I’m not holding my breath as I’m lifting… I’m really careful with my breathing.
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