*read our journey here + how it happened here*
April 5th :: My first ever blog post about the bump! My personal bump series! It’s going to be torture to not push the publish button!
All I’ve ever thought about was a baby! Our baby! How to get pregnant. How to overcome this infertility hurdle. I’ve pictured the birth. Holding our precious little bundle. It wasn’t until now until I realized… this is it! I’m pregnant! The day I’ve been dreaming about forever. It’s here… along with all the exciting joys I didn’t think about… the blog posts, looking at maternity clothes, diaper bag search, finding the perfect stroller! It’s hit me! I’m pregnant! Finally! So, here I am, fingers eager to type ready to document what’s going to be the best journey of our life!
Without further adieu, I present to you… my “by week”, baby bump series! Huge squeal from me and the babe!
Surprise! You’re going to be our sweet little baby to be and I’m going to be your mother.
We knew the day would come… the day we could finally call you our baby. Our prayers have been answered. People always say, the minute you have a child your entire world changes and you learn about a newfound love. A love you’ve never experienced. You and I barely know each other and in the past week you’ve changed my life more than I ever imagined. You have weeks upon weeks until you take your first breath; and I promise with every ounce of every breathe you breathe, I will love you with all of my heart… forever and ever. I promise to do my best at this mommy role and I promise you, I’ll never let you down. I give you my heart, sweet little baby of mine. Your daddy, oh, I cannot wait for him to take on his role. He’s an amazing man, a man that I sometimes feel that I don’t deserve. Daddy reads all the daily books, his emails are now directed to “us” (you and me, little baby). He cuddles with us and rubs my belly all the time. He’s so excited for you.
You will be one loved little babe, I promise you that. The one thing I know without any doubt, is that God loves you more than you will ever imagine. He will always be with you, I will be with you always, Daddy will be with you always. I thank Him everyday for bringing you into our lives. We feel complete.
All my love always,
Size of babe: A sweet pea! 🙂
Weight Gain: I think it’s too early for this questions, but I’m sure it’ll be one that want to defriend. My current weight is 124 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I can’t wait for this. Mel’s introduced me to some adorable designers! 🙂
Gender: Obviously all of these are questions that are so far out. We always said we didn’t want to find out the gender. We’ve waited this long to experience the joy and a lot of the “fun” and “excitement” was taken away from the process. So, not knowing the gender could be the the excitement for us. Naturally, now that I am pregnant I want to know!
Nursery: I’m thinking creams, neutrals, whites, golds, silvers… the one thing I know I want is a wrought iron crib. 🙂
Movement: Can’t wait to feel the babe!
Sleep: I don’t know if this is new babe related or because were in the middle of a move with our mattress on the ground. Sleep for me has been horrible and not too mention, I’ve been exhausted! I’m also a back sleeper and I’ve been trying to break the habit early on since it’s not ideal for the growing babe.
What I miss: Nothing! 🙂 I’ve waited a long time for this pregnancy, I’m going to love it as much as possible! I do a happy dance after every symptom… including 3am tinkles! 🙂
Best moment this week: Having REACH call to report the good news. On Monday after my labs they called to report that my HCG levels were at 295 mIU/ml and my progesterone was at 13.9. I more than doubled their projected/ ideal levels. Today when Nurse Stephanie called, I’ve more than tripled since Monday! HCCG at 1029 mIU/ml!
Looking forward to: Our very first ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat on April 18th! Of course, I’m also looking forward to falling in love with our little babe.
Cravings: Guess it’s too early for this one too… but I’m always craving so BoJo’s!
Symptoms: Sore… ridiculously sore and engorged tata’s! Tired/ sluggish… especially during my runs. My shuffles have turned into a walk/ trot. Annnnnnd… I’ve tinkled 3 times during the middle of the night! 🙂 Moody too! These are all the signs and symptoms I’ve been waiting for! So bring it, babe!
Workouts: Trying to keep up my workouts… I’ve been doing good, but I do have to cut back on my speed and weight. Still running between 4-6 miles and this week I did Group Power 4x. Working out actually gives me extra energy! 🙂 I like that!
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