*read our journey here + how it happened here*
I’m so bad at publishing these… I write them every Thursday and take pictures (Thursday is when my weeks change), but then it takes me forever to put the pictures in the format (below) and literally press publish. Tomorrow I turn 28 weeks. Dear John Henry,
Your Daddy and I had a wonderful weekend in Charleston, SC (one of our favorite getaway spots) this past weekend. It was nice and somewhat relaxing… sitting on the beach was a completely different experience for us. Totally different. We both were so engaged with the other little babies, toddlers and kiddo’s cruising the sand. We couldn’t help but think and talk about what next summer will be like. Let me tell you, we are so excited to have a little beach babe. On Saturday, during the wee hours of the morning, I woke up to your Daddy sleeping on my chest and you kicking my belly… my boys, smothering me!
YiaYia is coming into town this upcoming Saturday and we’re taking her to see you on the big screen, little fella! Of course, we can’t wait to see your adorable little self too! We love you so much, little man… at times, I feel like life is too good right now. I’ve never felt so much love, so blessed and so much excitement. I hear it only gets better… I can’t imagine it getting any better.
All my kisses,
Size of babe: The length of a cucumber! 15″ in length!
Weight gain: Up 1 lbs since last week… so, according to my scale I’m up 26lbs, but according to doctors scale I’ve gained 24lbs.
Maternity clothes: I’ve shopped a little… purchased some non-maternity items from Express. Oddly enough they had some flowy blouses and looser dresses. I also purchased a cute top from Anthro. All on sale of course! I also purchased this skirt from Banana (non-maternity) on sale for $20. These tops that I’m wearing I snagged from Destination Maternity, 2 for $50. Don’t worry… took a mill selfies to make sure I liked how it looked. I felt a little self-conscious b/c the skirt was a little short on these stumps.
Gender: John Henry Thorne and boy do I love this little man… and his kicks! Still not sure if we should call him “John Henry” or just “Henry”. Feel free to chime in.
Nursery: Shoot, I still haven’t posted this! We purchased a rocker/ glider and it’s amazing… plus it was on sale and came from a city that is sentimental to us. Celadon has beautiful home furnishings.
Movement: The hubby and I took a little trip to Charleston over Labor Day and boy was the little man on the go in my tummy… John and I took a walk on the beach and I had tightening in my stomach. A weird feeling that lasted a few seconds and then it was a release… really, really odd. I thought for sure he was twisting and turning… until I told a friend and she said it sounded like Braxton Hicks contractions. Sayyyyy whaaaat? He made another debut while the hubby and I were reclined in our beach chairs. Plenty of times did my entire belly shift from side to side and up and down. He still goes nuts when Daddy rests his arm on my belly.
Sleep: Pretty good… although my hubby indulged in a bottle of vino with dinner while in Charleston… so I was woken up in a hotel bed on noisy Kings Street to him snoring and the little man kicking my bladder. These boys are making me work for my sleep these days!
What I miss: Well the thigh situation in the salt water ocean was an interesting feeling (ouch!)… definitely still missing my thighs! Other than that, life isn’t too bad. Other than being extremely anxious for this little mans arrival and watching the clock every two seconds (wishing time would fly), I’m so thankful that this pregnancy has been so good to me.
Best moment this week: Getting away for a weekend trip with the hubby to our favorite place, Charleston. We stayed at one of our favorite Inn’s, the only place we really ever stay (Fulton Lane Inn). We purchased our rocker from Celadon, they happened to have 20% off of all upholstery orders! Major ++++ and the rocker was super comfy and well priced, better priced than any we looked at. We ate lots of yummy food (Sermets + The Macintosh). We browsed my favorite home interiors store, South Of Market (I bought nothing!). We bronzed our bunz on the beaches of Isle Of Palms. We had breakfast delivered to our room every morning… we attempted to go to bed early. It was nice! On Labor Day we drove back to Charlotte, visited our home and had dinner at the Lunsford’s. Lots of “best” moments this week.
Beach days and dinners out!
We attempted to walk around Kings Street, but it was ridiculously hot and I was burnt… I guess your skin changes when you get preggo? I applied sunscreen like 3x in 3 hours and it was 50spf and I still was crispy!
We also did a maternity shoot with my friend (& photog) Kristin Vining. It was her idea behind the shoot to reflect The Great Henry (Gatsby) baby shower that is being thrown for us… Kristin and the girls are using these images as art work during the shower. How cute! We are thankful that The Duke Mansion, graciously opened their doors to our little shoot.
Looking forward to: My baby shower! 🙂 OMGosh, I’m so excited about this!!! AND seeing my mom, OH and we have a 3D/ 4D ultrasound with my mama too!
Cravings: Salads! Blue cheese! PUMPKIN CANDY CORN!
Symptoms: Cellulite! Thigh rubbage!
Workouts: I went crazy and did 6 mile walks, 5 times this week! Also, 2 Group Power classes. Have to work out to counteract the calories that I consume! If you’re pregnant, don’t compare yourself to me and my workouts… I have to workout to make up for the fact that I can’t eat like all those twigo-prego girls out there. No offense, you skinny B’s ;), but this mama-to-be eats like a piggy!
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