In case you were wondering!
This is what I wore on Sunday… ok I lied a little, not exactly! If your just now joining me then you’re not aware of the itty bitty living conditions my hub and I reside in. My closet to say the least isn’t considered glamorous by any stretch of the imagination… it’s beyond crammed with seasonal clothing which I share with the hubs; shoes, hats, sheets, towels, file cabinets, laundry basket, luggage, drawing table, bags, and so much odds and ends that we’ve collected throughout our studio condo. In other words: redonk. Currently my “season” clothes that is taking up the ever so sought after closet real-estate {that sounded good huh?} is storing all of our jackets, winter pants, sweaters, etc… very little could be used and worn in 72 degree weather. So on Sunday pre-evening after several midday mimosa’s and bloody mary’s, enjoying the sun on our shoulders and realizing that the jeans, v-neck T and my chucks that I sported during the day made me a bit dewy I thought I should do some revamping. I figured this 72 degree weather would stick {didn’t ya’ll?} Knowing that my summer/spring clothes are locked up I began to pull an outfit that I could wear using my winter threads {ps…. NEVER EVER do I select my clothes the night before work, I don’t know what got into me!} and then I decided to take some pictures. I did wear my hair like this all day on Sunday, it’s so incredibly easy and if ya’ll have been following for some time you know that I don’t shower on Sundays 😉 so this is a perfect way to hide your dirty hair! Anyways… the weather is now back into the 40’s and I didn’t get to wear this.
So this is what I was going to wear that I didn’t wear! How many of ya’ll actually pick out your clothes the night before work? I always say that I’m going to but then when it comes down to “going to” I just never care that much… does it make life that much easier?
{What I’m Wearing} Pants: Limited {had for years}, Blouse: Banana, Bangles: Scarf: Louis Vuitton, Charlotte Russe, Watch: Michael Kors, Glasses: Marc Jacobs, Belt: Charlotte Russe, Heels: I have no clue… they are so old, Earrings: Petal {local Charlotte boutique}, Necklace: Ann Taylor, Headband: J CREW
{My Hair} Lots of body on the top and pulled back in a bun and finished the top off with a headband.
{My Makeup} The norm plus a little lip gloss
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